
namespace librapid
template<typename Scalar_>
class Storage
#include <storage.hpp>

Public Types

using Scalar = Scalar_
using RawPointer = Scalar*
using ConstRawPointer = const Scalar*
using Pointer = std::shared_ptr<Scalar>
using ConstPointer = std::shared_ptr<const Scalar>
using Reference = Scalar&
using ConstReference = const Scalar&
using SizeType = size_t
using DifferenceType = ptrdiff_t
using Iterator = RawPointer
using ConstIterator = ConstRawPointer
using ReverseIterator = std::reverse_iterator<Iterator>
using ConstReverseIterator = std::reverse_iterator<ConstIterator>

Public Functions

Storage() = default

Default constructor.

explicit Storage(SizeType size)

Create a Storage object with size elements


size – Number of elements to allocate

explicit Storage(Scalar *begin, Scalar *end, bool ownsData)
Storage(SizeType size, ConstReference value)

Create a Storage object with size elements, each initialized to value.

  • size – Number of elements to allocate

  • value – Value to initialize each element to

Storage(const Storage &other)

Create a Storage object from another Storage object. Additionally a custom allocator can be used. The data is NOT copied &#8212; it is referenced by the new Storage object. For a deep copy, use the copy() method.


otherStorage object to copy

Storage(Storage &&other) noexcept

Move a Storage object into this object.


otherStorage object to move

template<typename V>
Storage(const std::initializer_list<V> &list)

Create a Storage object from an std::initializer_list

Template Parameters

V – Type of the elements in the initializer list

  • list – Initializer list to copy

  • alloc – Allocator to use

template<typename V>
explicit Storage(const std::vector<V> &vec)

Create a Storage object from a std::vector

Template Parameters

V – Type of the elements in the vector


vecVector to copy

Storage &operator=(const Storage &other)

Assignment operator for a Storage object


otherStorage object to copy



Storage & operator= (Storage &&other) LIBRAPID_RELEASE_NOEXCEPT

Move assignment operator for a Storage object


otherStorage object to move




Free a Storage object.

void set(const Storage &other)

Set this storage object to reference the same data as other.


otherStorage object to reference

Storage toHostStorage() const

Return a Storage object on the host with the same data as this Storage object (mainly for use with CUDA or OpenCL)


Storage toHostStorageUnsafe() const

Same as toHostStorage() but does not necessarily copy the data.


Storage object on the host

Storage copy() const

Create a deep copy of this Storage object.


Deep copy of this Storage object

void resize(SizeType newSize)

Resize a Storage object to size elements. Existing elements are preserved.


size – New size of the Storage object

void resize(SizeType newSize, int)

Resize a Storage object to size elements. Existing elements are not preserved


size – New size of the Storage object

SizeType size() const noexcept

Return the number of elements in the Storage object


ConstReference operator[](SizeType index) const

Const access to the element at index index


index – Index of the element to access


Const reference to the element at index index

Reference operator[](SizeType index)

Access to the element at index index


index – Index of the element to access


Reference to the element at index index

Pointer data() const noexcept
RawPointer begin() noexcept
RawPointer end() noexcept
ConstIterator begin() const noexcept
ConstIterator end() const noexcept
ConstIterator cbegin() const noexcept
ConstIterator cend() const noexcept
ReverseIterator rbegin() noexcept
ReverseIterator rend() noexcept
ConstReverseIterator rbegin() const noexcept
ConstReverseIterator rend() const noexcept
ConstReverseIterator crbegin() const noexcept
ConstReverseIterator crend() const noexcept
template<typename V>
auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<V> &list) -> Storage
template<typename V>
auto fromData(const std::vector<V> &vec) -> Storage
template<typename ShapeType>
auto defaultShape() -> ShapeType

Public Static Functions

template<typename V>
static Storage fromData(const std::initializer_list<V> &vec)
template<typename V>
static Storage fromData(const std::vector<V> &vec)
template<typename ShapeType>
static ShapeType defaultShape()

Private Functions

template<typename P>
void initData(P begin, P end)#

Copy data from begin to end into this Storage object

Template Parameters

P – Pointer type

  • begin – Beginning of data to copy

  • end – End of data to copy

template<typename P>
void initData(P begin, SizeType size)#
void resizeImpl(SizeType newSize, int)#

Resize the Storage Object to newSize elements, retaining existing data.


newSize – New size of the Storage object

void resizeImpl(SizeType newSize)#

Resize the Storage object to newSize elements. Note this does not initialize the new elements or maintain existing data.


newSize – New size of the Storage object

Private Members

Pointer m_begin = nullptr#
SizeType m_size = 0#
bool m_ownsData = true#
template<typename Scalar_, size_t... Size_>
class FixedStorage
#include <storage.hpp>

Public Types

using Scalar = Scalar_
using Pointer = Scalar*
using ConstPointer = const Scalar*
using Reference = Scalar&
using ConstReference = const Scalar&
using SizeType = size_t
using DifferenceType = ptrdiff_t
using Iterator = typename std::array<Scalar, product<Size_...>()>::iterator
using ConstIterator = typename std::array<Scalar, product<Size_...>()>::const_iterator
using ReverseIterator = std::reverse_iterator<Iterator>
using ConstReverseIterator = std::reverse_iterator<ConstIterator>

Public Functions


Default constructor.

explicit FixedStorage(const Scalar &value)

Create a FixedStorage object filled with value


value – Value to fill the FixedStorage object with

FixedStorage(const FixedStorage &other)

Create a FixedStorage object from another FixedStorage object


otherFixedStorage object to copy

FixedStorage(FixedStorage &&other) noexcept

Move constructor for a FixedStorage object


otherFixedStorage object to move

explicit FixedStorage(const std::initializer_list<Scalar> &list)

Create a FixedStorage object from a std::initializer_list

Template Parameters

V – Type of the elements in the initializer list


list – Initializer list to copy

explicit FixedStorage(const std::vector<Scalar> &vec)

Create a FixedStorage object from a std::vector

Template Parameters

V – Type of the elements in the vector


vecVector to copy

FixedStorage &operator=(const FixedStorage &other)

Assignment operator for a FixedStorage object


otherFixedStorage object to copy



FixedStorage &operator=(FixedStorage &&other) noexcept

Move assignment operator for a FixedStorage object


otherFixedStorage object to move



~FixedStorage() = default

Free a FixedStorage object.

void resize(SizeType newSize)

Resize a Storage object to size elements. Existing elements are preserved.


size – New size of the Storage object

void resize(SizeType newSize, int)

Resize a Storage object to size elements. Existing elements are not preserved


size – New size of the Storage object

SizeType size() const noexcept

Return the number of elements in the FixedStorage object


Number of elements in the FixedStorage object

FixedStorage copy() const

Create a copy of the FixedStorage object.


Copy of the FixedStorage object

ConstReference operator[](SizeType index) const

Const access to the element at index index


index – Index of the element to access


Const reference to the element at index index

Reference operator[](SizeType index)

Access to the element at index index


index – Index of the element to access


Reference to the element at index index

Pointer data() const noexcept
Iterator begin() noexcept
Iterator end() noexcept
ConstIterator begin() const noexcept
ConstIterator end() const noexcept
ConstIterator cbegin() const noexcept
ConstIterator cend() const noexcept
ReverseIterator rbegin() noexcept
ReverseIterator rend() noexcept
ConstReverseIterator rbegin() const noexcept
ConstReverseIterator rend() const noexcept
ConstReverseIterator crbegin() const noexcept
ConstReverseIterator crend() const noexcept
template<typename ShapeType>
auto defaultShape() -> ShapeType

Public Static Functions

template<typename ShapeType>
static ShapeType defaultShape()

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr SizeType Size = product<Size_...>()

Private Members

std::array<Scalar, Size> m_data#
namespace detail


template<typename T>
void safeDeallocate(T *ptr, size_t size)

Safely deallocate memory for size elements, using an std::allocator alloc. If the object cannot be trivially destroyed, the destructor will be called on each element of the data, ensuring that it is safe to free the allocated memory.

Template Parameters

A – The allocator type

  • alloc – The allocator object

  • ptr – The pointer to free

  • size – The number of elements of type in the memory block

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> safeAllocate(size_t size)

Safely allocate memory for size elements using the allocator alloc. If the data can be trivially default constructed, then the constructor is not called and no data is initialized. Otherwise, the correct default constructor will be called for each element in the data, making sure the returned pointer is safe to use.

See also


Template Parameters

A – The allocator type to use

  • alloc – The allocator object to use

  • size – Number of elements to allocate


Pointer to the first element

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> safePointerCopy(T *ptr, size_t size, bool ownsData)

Safely copy a pointer to a shared pointer. If ownsData is true, then the shared pointer will be initialized with a custom deleter that will call safeDeallocate on the pointer. Otherwise, the shared pointer will be initialized with a no-op deleter.

Template Parameters

T – Type of the pointer

  • ptr – Raw pointer to copy

  • ownsData – Whether the shared pointer should own the data


Shared pointer to the data

template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> safePointerCopy(const std::shared_ptr<T> &ptr, size_t size, bool ownsData = true)
namespace typetraits


LIBRAPID_DEFINE_AS_TYPE(typename Scalar, Storage<Scalar>)#
template<typename Scalar_>
struct TypeInfo<Storage<Scalar_>>
#include <storage.hpp>

Public Types

using Scalar = Scalar_
using Backend = backend::CPU

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool isLibRapidType = true
template<typename Scalar_, size_t... Dims>
struct TypeInfo<FixedStorage<Scalar_, Dims...>>
#include <storage.hpp>

Public Types

using Scalar = Scalar_
using Backend = backend::CPU

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool isLibRapidType = true
template<typename T>
struct IsStorage : public std::false_type
#include <storage.hpp>
template<typename Scalar>
struct IsStorage<Storage<Scalar>> : public std::true_type
#include <storage.hpp>
template<typename T>
struct IsFixedStorage : public std::false_type
#include <storage.hpp>
template<typename Scalar, size_t... Size>
struct IsFixedStorage<FixedStorage<Scalar, Size...>> : public std::true_type
#include <storage.hpp>