LibRapid Benchmarks#

Run the Benchmarks Yourself#

You can run the benchmarks yourself by cloning the Benchmark repository and running the necessary CMake commands.

git clone --recursive

cd BenchmarksCPP
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --config Release


Make sure to run the benchmarks in Release mode. Otherwise, the compiler will not produce optimized code and the results will not be accurate.


The benchmarks included in the documentation were run on free GitHub Actions runners. These machines have a limited number of virtual CPU cores, a small amount of RAM and are not designed for intensive workloads.

Running the benchmarks on my personal machine produces fairly different results from those shown in documentation.

As a result, the benchmarks do not necessarily represent the true performance characteristics of each library.

It is highly recommended that you run the benchmarks yourself for the best results.


LibRapid’s developers are looking into getting more powerful servers to run the benchmarks on, but we do not currently have the funding or resources to do so.

Strange Results#

Occasionally, the benchmarks can produce some strange results where one library is disproportionately faster than the others. I’m not sure exactly why this happens, but my current theory is that it’s to do with memory alignment of the code and fluctuations in the server’s performance.

Having more powerful runners may help to reduce the impact of these fluctuations, but I’m not sure if it will completely eliminate them. If you have any ideas, please let me know!

Benchmark Results#