Array Iterators#

LibRapid provides many methods to iterate over the elements of an array. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best one to use depends heavily upon the situation.

Implicit Iteration#

This is the simplest and easiest way to iterate over an array, but is also the slowest. This method should only be used when performance is not a concern or when the array is known to be relatively small.

auto a = lrc::Array<int>(lrc::Shape({4, 5}));

for (auto val : a) {
    for (auto val2 : val) {
        val2 = lrc::randint(1, 10);

for (const auto &val : a) {
    for (const auto &val2 : val) {
        fmt::print("{} ", val2);


Due to the way LibRapid works internally, the iterator type returned by Array::begin() and Array::end() makes use of the GeneralArrayView class. Since this is not a direct C++ reference many IDEs will claim that the value is unused and will suggest removing it. Do not remove it! The GeneralArrayView is still referencing the original array and your data will still be updated correctly :)

Keep in mind that this issue only comes up when you’re using the non-const iterator, which is when you’re assigning to the iterator.

I am currently looking into ways to fix this issue, but it is proving to be quite difficult…

Subscript Iteration#

This method of iterating over an array is slightly faster than implicit iteration, but is still slow compared to other methods. This involves using a for loop to iterate over each axis of the array and then using the operator[] to access the elements.

auto a = lrc::Array<int>(lrc::Shape({4, 5}));

for (auto i = 0; i < a.shape()[0]; i++) {
    for (auto j = 0; j < a.shape()[1]; j++) {
        a[i][j] = lrc::randint(1, 10);

for (auto i = 0; i < a.shape()[0]; i++) {
    for (auto j = 0; j < a.shape()[1]; j++) {
        fmt::print("{} ", a[i][j]);

Direct Iteration#

This approach is the fastest safe way to iterate over an array. Again, using a for loop to iterate over each axis of the array, but this time using the operator() method to access the elements.

This method is much faster than using the operator[] method because no temporary GeneralArrayView objects are created.

auto a = lrc::Array<int>(lrc::Shape({4, 5}));

for (auto i = 0; i < a.shape()[0]; i++) {
    for (auto j = 0; j < a.shape()[1]; j++) {
        a(i, j) = lrc::randint(1, 10);

for (auto i = 0; i < a.shape()[0]; i++) {
    for (auto j = 0; j < a.shape()[1]; j++) {
        fmt::print("{} ", a(i, j));

Direct Storage Access#

LibRapid’s array types have a Storage object which stores the actual data of the array. This object can be accessed via the Array::storage() method. This method is the fastest way to iterate over an array, but it is also the most dangerous, and you should only use it if you know what you are doing.


This method only works on ArrayContainer instances (Array types which own their own data). If you try to use this approach on any other datatype, such as an GeneralArrayView or Function, your code will not compile because these types do not store their own data and hence do not have a storage() method.

Note also that this does not give any information about the shape of the array, so you must be careful to ensure that you are accessing the correct elements.

auto a = lrc::Array<int>(lrc::Shape({4, 5}));

for (auto i = 0; i < a.shape().size(); i++) {[i] = lrc::randint(1, 10);

for (auto i = 0; i < a.shape().size(); i++) {
    fmt::print("{} ",[i]);


The Storage object stores the data in row-major order, so you must be careful that you are accessing the correct elements.

For example, if you have a 3D array with shape {2, 3, 4}, the elements will be accessed in the following order:

(0, 0, 0)
(0, 0, 1)
(0, 1, 0)
(0, 1, 1)
(0, 2, 0)
(0, 2, 1)
(1, 0, 0)
(1, 0, 1)
(1, 1, 0)
(1, 1, 1)
(1, 2, 0)
(1, 2, 1)


These benchmarks were performed on a Ryzen 9 3950x CPU with 64GB of RAM. The code used is included below.

\(25000 \times 25000\) array of floats#


Iterator Timer [     ITERATOR     ] -- Elapsed: 1.25978m | Average: 25.19570s
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP INDEXED ] -- Elapsed: 1.06851m | Average: 10.68511s
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP DIRECT  ] -- Elapsed: 1.03243m | Average: 2.13607s
Iterator Timer [     STORAGE      ] -- Elapsed: 1.00972m | Average: 712.74672ms


Iterator Timer [     ITERATOR     ] -- Elapsed: 1.30497m | Average: 26.09936s
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP INDEXED ] -- Elapsed: 1.00171m | Average: 12.02046s
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP DIRECT  ] -- Elapsed: 1.00257m | Average: 222.79388ms
Iterator Timer [     STORAGE      ] -- Elapsed: 1.00265m | Average: 268.56730ms

\(1000 \times 1000\) array of floats#


Iterator Timer [     ITERATOR     ] -- Elapsed: 20.03113s | Average: 60.51699ms
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP INDEXED ] -- Elapsed: 20.01374s | Average: 20.56911ms
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP DIRECT  ] -- Elapsed: 20.00305s | Average: 3.65019ms
Iterator Timer [     STORAGE      ] -- Elapsed: 20.00049s | Average: 1.45257ms


Iterator Timer [     ITERATOR     ] -- Elapsed: 20.03222s | Average: 75.30909ms
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP INDEXED ] -- Elapsed: 20.00276s | Average: 23.67190ms
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP DIRECT  ] -- Elapsed: 20.00003s | Average: 62.70073us
Iterator Timer [     STORAGE      ] -- Elapsed: 20.00014s | Average: 242.00937us

\(100 \times 100\) array of floats#


Iterator Timer [     ITERATOR     ] -- Elapsed: 10.00005s | Average: 594.18031us
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP INDEXED ] -- Elapsed: 10.00007s | Average: 210.48345us
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP DIRECT  ] -- Elapsed: 10.00003s | Average: 14.38816us
Iterator Timer [     STORAGE      ] -- Elapsed: 10.00001s | Average: 14.94997us


Iterator Timer [     ITERATOR     ] -- Elapsed: 10.00055s | Average: 621.22918us
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP INDEXED ] -- Elapsed: 10.00001s | Average: 235.57702us
Iterator Timer [ FOR LOOP DIRECT  ] -- Elapsed: 10.00000s | Average: 650.03031ns
Iterator Timer [     STORAGE      ] -- Elapsed: 10.00000s | Average: 2.44980us


lrc::Shape benchShape({25000, 25000});

    auto a = lrc::Array<float>(benchShape);
    lrc::Timer iteratorTimer(fmt::format("Iterator Timer [ {:^16} ]", "ITERATOR"));

    while (iteratorTimer.isRunning()) {
        for (auto val : a) {
            for (auto val2 : val) { val2 = 1; }

    fmt::print("{:.5f}\n", iteratorTimer);

    auto a = lrc::Array<float>(benchShape);
    lrc::Timer iteratorTimer(fmt::format("Iterator Timer [ {:^16} ]", "FOR LOOP INDEXED"));

    while (iteratorTimer.isRunning()) {
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < a.shape()[0]; i++) {
            for (int64_t j = 0; j < a.shape()[1]; j++) { a[i][j] = 1; }

    fmt::print("{:.5f}\n", iteratorTimer);

    auto a = lrc::Array<float>(benchShape);
    lrc::Timer iteratorTimer(fmt::format("Iterator Timer [ {:^16} ]", "FOR LOOP DIRECT"));

    while (iteratorTimer.isRunning()) {
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < a.shape()[0]; i++) {
            for (int64_t j = 0; j < a.shape()[1]; j++) { a(i, j) = 1; }

    fmt::print("{:.5f}\n", iteratorTimer);

    auto a = lrc::Array<float>(benchShape);
    lrc::Timer iteratorTimer(fmt::format("Iterator Timer [ {:^16} ]", "STORAGE"));

    while (iteratorTimer.isRunning()) {
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < a.shape().size(); i++) {[i] = 1; }

    fmt::print("{:.5f}\n", iteratorTimer);