LibRapid Modules#

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template<typename ShapeType_, typename StorageType_>
class ArrayContainer

Public Types

using StorageType = StorageType_
using ShapeType = ShapeType_
using StrideType = Stride<ShapeType>
using SizeType = typename ShapeType::SizeType
using Scalar = typename StorageType::Scalar
using Packet = typename typetraits::TypeInfo<Scalar>::Packet
using Backend = typename typetraits::TypeInfo<ArrayContainer>::Backend
using DirectSubscriptType = typename detail::SubscriptType<StorageType>::Direct
using DirectRefSubscriptType = typename detail::SubscriptType<StorageType>::Ref

Public Functions


Default constructor.

template<typename T>
ArrayContainer(const std::initializer_list<T> &data)
template<typename T>
explicit ArrayContainer(const std::vector<T> &data)
explicit ArrayContainer(const Shape &shape)

Constructs an array container from a shape


shape – The shape of the array container

explicit ArrayContainer(const MatrixShape &shape)
explicit ArrayContainer(const VectorShape &shape)
ArrayContainer(const Shape &shape, const Scalar &value)

Create an array container from a shape and a scalar value. The scalar value represents the value the memory is initialized with.

  • shape – The shape of the array container

  • value – The value to initialize the memory with

ArrayContainer(const MatrixShape &shape, const Scalar &value)
ArrayContainer(const VectorShape &shape, const Scalar &value)
explicit ArrayContainer(const Scalar &value)

Allows for a fixed-size array to be constructed with a fill value


value – The value to fill the array with

explicit ArrayContainer(ShapeType &&shape)

Construct an array container from a shape, which is moved, not copied.


shape – The shape of the array container

ArrayContainer(const ArrayContainer &other) = default

Reference an existing array container.

This constructor does not copy the data, but instead references the data of the input array container. This means that the input array container must outlive the constructed array container. Please use ArrayContainer::copy() if you want to copy the data.


other – The array container to reference

ArrayContainer(ArrayContainer &&other) noexcept = default

Construct an array container from a temporary array container.


other – The array container to move.

template<typename TransposeType>
ArrayContainer(const Transpose<TransposeType> &trans)
template<typename ShapeTypeA, typename StorageTypeA, typename ShapeTypeB, typename StorageTypeB, typename Alpha, typename Beta>
ArrayContainer(const linalg::ArrayMultiply<ShapeTypeA, StorageTypeA, ShapeTypeB, StorageTypeB, Alpha, Beta> &multiply)
template<typename desc, typename Functor_, typename ...Args>
ArrayContainer &assign(const detail::Function<desc, Functor_, Args...> &function)
template<typename desc, typename Functor_, typename... Args>  ArrayContainer (const detail::Function< desc, Functor_, Args... > &function) LIBRAPID_RELEASE_NOEXCEPT

Construct an array container from a function object. This will assign the result of the function to the array container, evaluating it accordingly.

Template Parameters
  • desc – The assignment descriptor

  • Functor_ – The function type

  • Args – The argument types of the function


function – The function to assign

ArrayContainer &operator=(const ArrayContainer &other) = default

Reference an existing array container.

This assignment operator does not copy the data, but instead references the data of the input array container. This means that the input array container must outlive the constructed array container. Please use ArrayContainer::copy() if you want to copy the data.


other – The array container to reference

ArrayContainer &operator=(const Scalar &value)
ArrayContainer &operator=(ArrayContainer &&other) noexcept = default

Assign a temporary array container to this array container.


other – The array container to move.


A reference to this array container.

template<typename desc, typename Functor_, typename ...Args>
ArrayContainer &operator=(const detail::Function<desc, Functor_, Args...> &function)

Assign a function object to this array container. This will assign the result of the function to the array container, evaluating it accordingly.

Template Parameters
  • Functor_ – The function type

  • Args – The argument types of the function


function – The function to assign


A reference to this array container.

template<typename TransposeType>
ArrayContainer &operator=(const Transpose<TransposeType> &transpose)
template<typename ShapeTypeA, typename StorageTypeA, typename ShapeTypeB, typename StorageTypeB, typename Alpha, typename Beta>
ArrayContainer &operator=(const linalg::ArrayMultiply<ShapeTypeA, StorageTypeA, ShapeTypeB, StorageTypeB, Alpha, Beta> &multiply)
template<typename T>
detail::CommaInitializer<ArrayContainer> operator<<(const T &value)

Allow ArrayContainer objects to be initialized with a comma separated list of values. This makes use of the CommaInitializer class

Template Parameters

T – The type of the values


value – The value to set in the Array object


The comma initializer object

ArrayContainer copy() const
auto operator[](int64_t index) const

Access a sub-array of this ArrayContainer instance. The sub-array will reference the same memory as this ArrayContainer instance.

See also



index – The index of the sub-array


A reference to the sub-array (ArrayView)

auto operator[](int64_t index)
template<typename ...Indices>
DirectSubscriptType operator()(Indices... indices) const
template<typename ...Indices>
DirectRefSubscriptType operator()(Indices... indices)
Scalar get() const
ShapeType::SizeType ndim() const noexcept

Return the number of dimensions of the ArrayContainer object


Number of dimensions of the ArrayContainer

auto size() const noexcept -> size_t
const ShapeType &shape() const noexcept

Return the shape of the array container. This is an immutable reference.


The shape of the array container.

const StorageType &storage() const noexcept

Return the StorageType object of the ArrayContainer


The StorageType object of the ArrayContainer

StorageType &storage() noexcept

Return the StorageType object of the ArrayContainer


The StorageType object of the ArrayContainer

Packet packet(size_t index) const

Return a Packet object from the array’s storage at a specific index.


index – The index to get the packet from


A Packet object from the array’s storage at a specific index

Scalar scalar(size_t index) const

Return a Scalar from the array’s storage at a specific index.


index – The index to get the scalar from


A Scalar from the array’s storage at a specific index

void writePacket(size_t index, const Packet &value)

Write a Packet object to the array’s storage at a specific index

  • index – The index to write the packet to

  • value – The value to write to the array’s storage

void write(size_t index, const Scalar &value)

Write a Scalar to the array’s storage at a specific index

  • index – The index to write the scalar to

  • value – The value to write to the array’s storage

template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator+=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator-=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator*=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator/=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator%=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator&=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator|=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator^=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator<<=(const T &other)
template<typename T>
ArrayContainer &operator>>=(const T &other)
auto begin() const noexcept

Return an iterator to the beginning of the array container.



auto end() const noexcept

Return an iterator to the end of the array container.



auto begin()

Return an iterator to the beginning of the array container.



auto end()

Return an iterator to the end of the array container.



template<typename T, typename Char, typename Ctx>
void str(const fmt::formatter<T, Char> &format, char bracket, char separator, Ctx &ctx) const
template<typename desc, typename Functor_, typename ...Args>
auto assign(const detail::Function<desc, Functor_, Args...> &function) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename desc, typename Functor_, typename ...Args>
auto operator=(const detail::Function<desc, Functor_, Args...> &function) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename TransposeType>
auto operator=(const Transpose<TransposeType> &transpose) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename ShapeTypeA, typename StorageTypeA, typename ShapeTypeB, typename StorageTypeB, typename Alpha, typename Beta>
auto operator=(const linalg::ArrayMultiply<ShapeTypeA, StorageTypeA, ShapeTypeB, StorageTypeB, Alpha, Beta> &arrayMultiply) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator<<(const T &value) -> detail::CommaInitializer<ArrayContainer>
template<typename ...Indices>
auto operator()(Indices... indices) const -> DirectSubscriptType
template<typename ...Indices>
auto operator()(Indices... indices) -> DirectRefSubscriptType
template<typename T>
auto operator+=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator-=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator*=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator/=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator%=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator&=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator|=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator^=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator<<=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&
template<typename T>
auto operator>>=(const T &value) -> ArrayContainer&

Public Static Functions

static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<Scalar> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<Scalar> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<Scalar>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<Scalar>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<Scalar>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<Scalar>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<Scalar>>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<Scalar>>>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>>>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<Scalar>>>>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
static auto fromData(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>>>>>>>> &data) -> ArrayContainer
template<typename V, typename B1, typename E1, typename B2, typename E2>
auto librapid::map(const V &val, const B1 &start1, const E1 &stop1, const B2 &start2, const E2 &stop2)

Map a value from one range to another

Template Parameters
  • V – Data type of the value to map

  • B1 – Data type of the lower bound of the input range

  • E1 – Data type of the upper bound of the input range

  • B2 – Data type of the lower bound of the output range

  • E2 – Data type of the upper bound of the output range

  • val – Value to map

  • start1 – Lower bound of the input range

  • stop1 – Upper bound of the input range

  • start2 – Lower bound of the output range

  • stop2 – Upper bound of the output range


Mapped value